Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Healthy Living

As some of you may recall, at the end of June I was quite sick during my visit to Chicago.  And I will be using this as an excuse for my absence as of late on here... just so you know.  Well, what started off as a lost voice and a nasty cough, spiraled into pure misery.  I started feeling sick on a Sunday (June 24th) and finally my husband dragged Finley and myself to the doctor on Friday (June 29th).  Those five days prior were filled with the following symptoms:
  • Persistent cough
  • Lost voice
  • Sore throat
  • chills
  • hot spells
  • high fevers (103+... at one point Finley was at 104.5)
  • headaches
5 days this went on and Finley and I could just not kick it.  Diagnosis: Pneumonia.  Are you kidding me??? Finley and I both had to go on antibiotics.  Today we are finally feeling better and freed ourselves from this illness.

In my entire life, I have never been this sick.  Personally, I was upset that my body (nor Finleys) was unable to kick whatever virus or bacteria that was invading me.  I would normally consider myself a very healthy person.  I have had no major illnesses, surgeries, and even my pregnancy was smooth sailing.  So what was it that allowed us to get so sick??  So now I am more conscious than ever about healthy living.

It's clear that for too long I have ignored myself.  It's also clear that it's time for me to nourish myself back to health.  Just where to start...

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Clean eating :) I do it about 90% of the time. I can't kick my ice cream yet...and bread still gets me but I can see a difference in my body.
