Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Project: Buy Local Flyer

I intend to be going to Pansies this weekend to discuss Project: Buy Local.  I'm bringing Andy because I have some severe social anxiety just thinking about it.  I don't know what to say or where to start really.  Andy will be my rock to initially break the ice and open lines for communication.

All of the input and feedback you guys gave me was INCREDIBLE.  It really helped me think about things I didn't think of on my own.  I have laid out a course of actions (I sound so businessy here) to take.  First things first, I will be discussing the details with Pansies and hoping they will take this project with open arms.  I will also discuss possible specials and offers they could do for that day.  If all goes as planned with Pansies, I will than be contacting the local newspaper in hopes that they will want to do a story on this and get the word out to more people than I ever could on my own.  Next, I will be ordering postcards/flyers to distribute.  I don't want to spend a fortune on this, so I will be getting my exercise on and delivering a couple hundred postcards by hand (Most of you probably think I'm crazy, but oh well).  I know the whole city won't get the flyer, but I'm hoping with the help of family and friends the postcards will be spread out pretty far.  Oh also, I have changed the date to Saturday, May 12th to coordinate with Mothers Day Weekend.

Some input I received was about redesigning the flyer.  I have been working on it tonight.  I wanted to design something totally different that can correlate with this blog and I will provide the link on the back of the flyer.  On the back of the flyer I will also go into detail about what Project: Buy Local is, who I am, what my goal is and also why I picked Pansies and why they are so deserving of this.  So far this is what I have come up with on the front.  I worry there is too much writing that the details will get lost, but I'm hoping you all will have some feedback for me.  I want to get the flyer done soon because if I order it online it will take a couple weeks for it to get printed and mailed to me.

Sooooo...  what do you guys think?


  1. I LOVE it! I love it a lot. I think it flows much more smoothly, visually, than the last one and though there is a good amount of info, it all goes together really well. I'm digging it!

    The only thing I would add (IF you are going to do this more frequently) is to say something like: This month's business: Pansies, or maybe you'll already be going into detail about that on the back.

    I just love it, the whole idea of what you're doing there. Take deep breaths before you head in, focus on why you're there (not how you look or sound), SMILE A LOT, and you will rock this, woman!!

  2. I agree- LOVE IT! You did a great job! I'm so excited for you! Makes me want to drive up there & shop! I was just watching the news last night & they were talking about the Oz Effect- like the Oprah Effect- whenever he mentions something it sells out & bombards some of these small businesses. So I think it's great you are giving Pansies the opportunity to prepare for this HUGE event to prove what an awesome customer experience they can have shopping there. Can't wait to hear how the talk goes!!
