I haven't done a post in 3 months! It started out as a week, then two weeks and as time kept passing by, the harder it was to post something just out of pure awkwardness. I abandoned my blog, I felt guilty, I got over it and now I'm back!
Like the new design? I felt like a fresh start would be nice and I wanted to better name my blog to gear it towards what most of my posts will be about. Of course, there will be the typical posts about my family and those random rants or whining posts, but most of them will be about the craziness my family has taken on with homesteading.
But..... to break the ice I thought I would do a tag for my first post. I got this from fellow blogger Sarah at Sweet and Savory by Sarah, I went to high school with her and she's pretty awesome- Check her out!
Eleven things about me:
1. There is a 13 ½ year age difference between my husband and I. Most would never know unless they try to figure out how I have a 16 year old step son! 4 years of marriage and I’m hoping for 40+ more.
2. I feel guilty to say I am vegan because there is a 99% chance I will break down and eat dairy at some point during the week. Last night it was a mini musketeers.
3. I used to be a flight attendant and totally rocked it until I met a boy, moved out of state, and got married (I don't regret leaving for one minute). My uniform hangs in my closet still to this day.
4. Prior to a year ago, I never gardened a day in my life. Besides a brief garden 10 years ago that I claimed was mine, but really had my father do all the hard work.
5. I am a stay at home mother (which I love) but I also have my bachelors degree in Business Administration. My degree certificate collects dust amongst a pile of old vinyls in my bedroom.
6. I hate Brussels sprouts even though I have never tried them.
7. I have two weird habits: I say “ouch” to things that don’t necessarily hurt. Say I’m writing with a pencil and the lead breaks… I say “ouch” even though it didn’t hurt me in any shape or form. Also, I have a fear of calling people. I can barely call to order Chinese food without having a near panic attack.
8. I own a 1985 VW Vanagon and I treat it like it’s my baby. I told my husband that for our 10 year anniversary I want to get an older VW Camper. I know this will happen, because I will make it happen.
9. Besides our very affordable home and my very non-affordable school loan, my husband and I are debt free.
10. I am addicted to Disney World. I don’t know how many times I have been there (dozen+?), but I am already counting down the years until Finley is old enough to go without a stroller. Last time I was there was in 2009, but I was 8 months pregnant and couldn’t go on any of the cool rides. The food was phenomenal though!
11. I am a very indecisive person. Examples: I changed colleges 4 times, changed my major 4 times, and when it is my turn to pick a movie for movie night, I have to dwindle my choices to 3 and then make my husband choose.
Okay- Ice has been broken! Lets just hope I don't go three months again with out another post ;)
Welcome back! Thanks for the shout out!