Thursday, February 16, 2012

Frugal Crafting

I have a few projects on my to do list from my Pinterest post; however, I haven't been able to start on those projects because I want to find all the supplies at thrift stores and avoid buying anything new.  This has proven to be quite challenging.  I want to find a foam wreath for that yarn wreath and seriously, they are no where to be found!  Soon though, I'm determined.

In the mean time I was at the thrift store earlier this week and I found some things for a DIY project I have seen on pinterest but never actually pinned it to my board.

Fabric Wall Hangings

 I envisioned this for Finley's room, so when I saw the cross stitch rings at the thrift store for $0.25 a piece, I snagged them up and knew it was fate that I had to do this project.

What you need:  Scrap fabric, and cross stitch rings- any amount, any size

I already had the fabric at home- so this was no additional cost to me.
I bought 2- 8", 2- 10" and 1-12" rings
The process is crazy easy, I think this whole project took 20 minutes out of my day.  This is great when you have a toddler constantly trying to steal the scissors and chase the dog with them (ahhhh!)

Place the scrap fabric over the inner ring

Put the outer ring over the fabric and pull the fabric as tight as you can

Cut excess fabric in the back

I quickly hung them up in Finley's room and I just love them.  And the great thing is that I can change out the fabric anytime I want.

Total cost of this frugal craft- $1.25!  Can you believe it?

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