Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Is In The Air

Yesterday was the first day of spring and it was quite noticeable indeed.  Typically in Wisconsin this time of year we are still getting snowstorms and 30 degree temps, but this year is proving to be beyond different.  80 degree temperatures, sunshine and the shade of green finally returning has been more than refreshing.  The grass is green, the winter coats have been put back in the closets and the days have been spent 70% outdoors... it can't get any better!

Unfortunately, Spring also brought something else this year.... the terrible terrible two's.  Finley has hit a whole new level of terrible-ness.  I'm a very patient person with her, but this past week has been just awful.  But of course Finley can find it in herself to look completely innocent and adorable for a photo.

I Love Sunny Days!

Other than Finley, here is how spring is appearing around every corner of my home:

Seed starting is going on inside (Broccoli, Cabbage, and Onions)

Strawberries have come out of hibernation.

A baby rhubarb sprout!  We thought they were dead after a poor performance last year.

Garlic and Onion growing in the front after planting them last fall!

I majorly cut back my raspberries this year and they have taken off full force.  I'm thinking these raspberries are going to be delicious!

Blueberry buds... Finley is in for a real treat this year.
Isn't it all so beautiful?  To have all this happen in March is truly amazing.  The life in our plants have given me much needed fuel for my soul.  I am so excited!  Happy Spring!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Spring to you, too. Finley is beautiful. We hear about her often from your Grandma Judy. She's close to the same age as our great-grandson, Aiden. And he just started the terrible twos. We're hoping he makes it to three (teasing)!!
    Take care and God Bless.
