Excuse the million "Ummms", the avoiding of the camera, and the just plain jibberish that comes out of my mouth. If you can make it through the whole video (almost 10 minutes!), you are a rare breed.
10 months of Dreadlocks (started with the twist and rip method and totally neglect/natural to follow)
Oh wow! You are so beautiful! I mean, seriously, photos don't do justice to how lovely and radiant you are. I am completely serious. You are so pretty! And your dreads are looking great. I admire the neglect method, though it isn't the route I went with mine (my gal says I am as close to the neglect method as anyone she has ever seen with crocheted dreads because I've only seen her like 4 times in 14 months, whereas some of her clients go in all the time... crazy). But yeah, I love them!
ReplyDeleteI can totally understand how wearing it down would be frustrating. Dreads can be so frustrating! But man, the payoff is (eventually) awesome, especially for you because you've waited so long and been so patient.
One tip I've heard with the neglect method if they aren't locking up evenly is to tie up the top layers or side layers during the night, sort of rotating. Dreads do most of their locking up by the process of sleep (head on pillow, rubbing, all that jazz) so it is normal for that middle part (by the ears) not to get rubbed and dreaded. If you can tie up some of the surrounding hairs, those ones on the sides will get some of that natural dreadedness that the others have.
Man, your dreads are going to be really cool. I'm excited to see what the ocean does for them!
You are beautiful, Lindsay. You really are.
Thank you so much, Friend! These kind words really made my day! Thanks for the tip on dreading up the loose hairs on the side, I will be trying it this week. Lets cross our fingers :)
Deleteand for the record, I think YOU are absolutely gorgeous. And you used a good word... radiant.
I just stumbled upon your blog through Goat Notes, and this post is so interesting to me! I've never had any friends with dreads, so I'm afraid I don't know much about them. Are you going this route for simplicity/sustainability purposes? Or has your hair always been a hassle? Or maybe a combination of the two?
ReplyDeleteI apologize for being the dorky awkward person, but I'm curious! :-)
Hi Paige! Welcome to my blog. I've already visited yours and I'm hooked!
DeleteTo answer your questions, I'm doing dreadlocks for a couple reasons. One is the simplicity. I wake up each day and I spend no time on my hair which is just nice. I have removed my constant focus of my exterior to finally focus on my inside. It also helps with the fact that I no longer need to use tradition shampoo and the $ and chemicals involved with that... soap or castille soap works great... and I don't have to spend time straightening it or trying to tame my out of control frizzy curls. Another big reason I decided to get dreads is because of the journey. I decided to go natural which means that dreadlocks take time. But most importantly they take patience. I am a person who wants instant gratification and with getting these dreads they have taught me to have patience. It has been wonderful to gain the trait of patience. Life seems so much gratifying and beautiful that way. And while the last 10 months I have had a bad hair day everyday, but I'm okay with that because of what the end result will be. Plus I just like the way dreadlocks look :)
On a side (and not related to this topic at all) I have some vintage clothes that I think you would just love... from your blog, I think we actually have a lot in common.
Thanks for the info! I never thought about them as a journey before, but I definitely see how they would be. Ten months and counting is a long time to wait!
ReplyDeleteAnd vintage clothes, you say? Awesome! I'm always on the lookout for guest posters on my blog, so if you ever want to write something up about your collection, I'd love to post it. My email is paige.ronchetti@gmail.com if you wanted to chat more about that.