Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chicken Coop Inspiration

I finally did it!  I finally convinced Andy to let us have chickens on our little humble homestead!  He's certainly not gun ho on building one though, but I pretty much want to start building a coop... like yesterday.  Ally is pretty excited too.  Today she drew up a chicken coop that we could build and she has been asking if we can build it while she is here for the summer.  It's wonderful to see her want to take part in family homesteading activities.  So I'm afraid Andy has no choice, majority rules, we WILL be building a chicken coop this summer.

And what better way to get some chicken coop inspiration?  Pinterest, of course.

What could be better than a 60's/70's inspired camper chicken coop??  I'm in love.

 This coop seems simple enough, but I love the garden beds cornering the chicken run.

This looks like a general store... kinda cute!

 The run would be much bigger, but I like the cottage look.

 I like the flower box under the window, might have to do that with my coop.  See? Inspiration!

This one is super cute.  Chickens, I'm sure, would appreciate the white picket fence.
I must admit that all these coops are a bit aggressive considering our mediocre (or less than mediocre) carpentry skills.  But inspiration can bring you a long way, right?

What coop do you guys like best?

1 comment:

  1. you want one on wheels, or small enough to be picked up and moved, so it can go around to fresh pickin's. then the nitrogen the chicken waste puts into the ground can be worked in, and stuff planted there after the chickens have moved on.
