Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Vacation Aftermath

Today I am very much in midst of vacation aftermath.  I am all out of sorts and it started promptly at 5:30am. 

Finley was calling from her bed saying she was "all done", so I went to go get her.  Once she saw it was me and not daddy she threw herself on the floor in a full on tantrum.  I couldn't even mend the rough start with a cup of juice.  I had to hand the cup to Andy to hand to Finley.  Quite ridiculous if I do say so myself, but she's adjusting to having me home again.  Vacation aftermath.

I am completely lost in regards to homesteading too.  Andy has been doing the seed starting and watering of plants.  He even reorganized the root cellar without me!  Amazing how a week away can make you feel so lost and out of control in regards to homesteading and gardening.  Vacation aftermath.

To start my rusty engine I decided to go through the calender.  We have a dry erase board (that I took out of my neighbors garbage... classy!) that I use to keep track of all our gardening stuff.  I updated it to April and marked all the dates of when we need to do things like seed start, hardening off and transplanting of various vegetables.  I felt a bit better after doing this.

Doesn't look like much, but add on building 3 more raised beds, planting some apple trees and installing more rain barrels... it's going to be a busy month!
Another thing I feel I need to get the ball rolling on- Project: Buy Local.  While I was on vacation the flyers finally arrived!

 Don't they look awesome.  All I can think in my head now is how I need to deliver all 500 of them before May 12th! 

I sure do love vacations, but I could definitely do without the vacation aftermath. 

What do you guys do to get back into the swing of things? 

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